jQuery JavaScript library is very popular among website developers. According to W3Techs, jQuery adoption is about 55%. It is normal for such a popular library to have many plugins available. Google is always an option when someone tries to find a plugin. Moreover, many plugin repositories or collections are available. Let’s see the most important of them.
1. The jQuery Plugin Registry
jQuery Plugin Registry launched on January 2013. It is the successor of OLD jQuery Plugins site, which was not so functional.
jQuery Plugin Registry is based on WordPress and plugins Github repositories. You can search and browse using tags to locate plugins in the new Registry. A brief description, dependencies and links to the home page, documentation, demo, issues and downloads are available for each plugin. Commenting, ratings and reviews are not yet available. You may have an idea about plugin popularity using GitHub Activity (stars, forks, watchers). Issues and feature requests are available here.

2. Unheap – A tidy repository of jQuery plugins
Unheap was assembled in 2010 as an internal team resource. We found other repositories underwhelming and wanted to build a better experience for browsing & staying on top of the latest jQuery plugins. We made the site public on November 2012.

3. jquer.in » Collection of jquery plugins and javascript libraries

4. jQueryRain 1800+ Best jQuery Plugins & Tutorials with jQuery Demo examples 2013

5. jQuery-plugins.net

6. jQueryPlugins.com

7. jQuery4u
Founded in November 2010, jQuery4u delivers web news, coding tips, plugins, code snippets, video tutorials and other content related to JavaScript, jQuery and web design/development to web enthusiasts around the globe.

8. The Handpicked jQuery Plugins Repository
The Handpicked jQuery Plugins Repository is a carefully selected roundup of some of the best jQuery Plugins ever released. Here we offer you the ability to browse through the plugins, or download a plugin that you fancy. Whether you’re building a huge Web-Application, or a simple site, we’ve got you covered. We also offer you the ability to hot-link directly to these plugin scripts through our CDN service, so your site loads much faster.

9. myjQueryPlugins

10. 200+ jQuery Plugin Collection

In conclusion:
- The jQuery Plugin Registry
- Unheap – A tidy repository of jQuery plugins
- jquer.in » Collection of jquery plugins and javascript libraries
- jQueryRain 1800+ Best jQuery Plugins & Tutorials with jQuery Demo examples 2013
- jQuery-plugins.net
- jQueryPlugins.com
- jQuery4u
- The Handpicked jQuery Plugins Repository
- myjQueryPlugins
- 200+ jQuery Plugin Collection
Entrepreneur | Full-stack developer | Founder of MediSign Ltd. I have over 15 years of professional experience designing and developing web applications. I am also very experienced in managing (web) projects.